
Showing posts from March, 2018

Train Your Dog To Sit At The Sound Of A Doorbell

Image This Deluxe Hands Free Dog Leash is great exercice for you and your furry friend.

Great information on a dogs sense of smell

As Spring/summer come it is a good idea to get this Deluxe Hands Free Dog Leash to enjoy the great outdoors together with your pup:

How To Understand A Dogs Body Language

The Car Dog Barrier will keep your pup safe in the car backseat during road trips, allowing you to drive distraction free. It is crafted from a rugged, stylish material that creates an impenetrable barricade between the front and rear car seats.

Part 6 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

Doggy Diarrhea Diarrhea in dogs, as with vomiting, can have lots of causes, including stress, infections like parvo virus, intestinal parasites, and food problems. Diarrhea symptoms are pretty obvious -- look for loose, watery, or liquid stool. Because diarrhea can easily lead to dehydration, be sure your dog has plenty of clean water available. If away from home then use this Travel Pet Water Bottle to keep your pup hydrated: Then take your pooch to the vet if the diarrhea persists for more than a day, or immediately if there's also  f ever , lethargy, vomiting, dark or bloody stools, or loss of appetite.

Part 5 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

Common Dog Health Problem: Vomiting Throwing up is a common dog health problem, with dozens of possible causes, from infection or intestinal parasites, kidney failure, heatstroke, or poisoning. Symptoms are basic: abdominal heaving and drooling caused by nausea. If your dog also has diarrhea, blood in the vomit, seems lethargic, continues vomiting, or can't hold down liquids, contact your vet right away to prevent life-threatening dehydration. Treatment depends on what's causing a dog's distress, and may include fluid therapy, drugs to control vomiting, and homemade foods like well-cooked skinless chicken, boiled potatoes, and rice. Keep your dog safe and visible at night with this LED collar:

Part 4 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

How to Help Hot Spots in Your Dog They’re commonly known as hot spots, but the medical term for those bare, inflamed, red areas you often see on dogs is acute moist dermatitis which is a bacterial skin infection. Anything that irritates your dog's skin enough to make him scratch or chew can lead to the pain and itch of hot spots, which, if left untreated, can quickly grow larger. A hot spot's location can help your vet diagnose its cause. Fleas, for example, may be the source of a hip hot spot, while a hot spot at the ear might point to  ear problems . Treating hot spots may involve shaving and cleaning the irritated area,  antibiotics , anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS ), steroids, or topical medications, depending on how serious the hot spots are, and how much pain they are causing your dog. Once your dog is cured he will enjoy the attention he gets wearing this Pirate Doggy costume:

Part 3 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

When Fleas Find Your Dog It takes just 3 weeks for one flea to turn into an infestation of 1,000 biting fleas. A very common canine health problem,  fleas  are easy for your dog to pick up, but they're also easy to treat. Signs your dog may have  fleas  include: Excessive scratching, licking, or biting at the  skin Hair loss Hot spots Allergic dermatitis (allergic response caused by contact) Tapeworms (which are carried by  fleas ) Flea dirt (looks like small black dots) against your dog's skin Untreated, fleas not only make your dog intensely uncomfortable, they can also cause allergic reactions, infections, and even lead to  anemia  from blood loss. Talk to your vet about the right flea medicine for your dog, which may be collars, oral medicine, shampoos, sprays, or topical liquids. Carry your dog around in this Cute And Colorful Backpack Carrier:

Part 2 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

Dogs and Worms Tapeworms ,  roundworms ,  hookworms , and whipworms are common internal parasites in dogs. And although any worm  can make your pooch uncomfortable, some, like hookworms, can be fatal in puppies. Signs your dog may have worms include: Diarrhea  (may be bloody) Weight loss A change in appetite A rough, dry coat Scooting  on his bottom Vomiting (with roundworms in particular) An overall poor appearance The best way to diagnose a worm problem is with a visit to the vet. Treatment depends on which type of worm your dog has, but generally includes an oral medication and may need a follow-up visit. Don't try treating worms yourself: A medication that kills roundworms, for example, doesn't kill tapeworms. This Hip Doggy Bumble Bee Sweater will keep you dog warm and looks adorable:

Part 1 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

Our  dogs  are our faithful companions, and they depend on us for good care. To help your dog live a healthy life, you should know some of the most common health problems  dogs  face, their signs, and what you can do about them. Dogs and Ear Infections Ear infections are a common canine health problem, and they can be caused by  allergies , yeast, ear mites, bacteria, hair growth deep in the ear canal, and more. Symptoms your  dog  may have with an ear infection include: Head shaking or head tilting Ear odor Vigorous scratching Lack of balance Unusual back-and-forth eye movements Redness of the ear canal Swelling of the outer portion of the ear Brown, yellow, or bloody discharge Always take your dog to the veterinarian if you think he has an ear infection. In most cases, cleaning and medicating the ear canal will quickly clear up an infection. However, surgery can be needed for chronic infections or if forceful head shaking results in the rupture of a vessel wi

Puppy Training Part 10 (last part)

Is your puppy older than 2-3 months? You might think a training schedule would be different for an older puppy.... but it isn't. Whether your puppy is 3 months old, 6 months old, or 9 months old, the order of training must start with the same vocabulary words and respect training I discussed in earlier parts of this series. Namely.... daily routines, praise and correction words, crate training, housebreaking, acceptance of being handled, gentleness, and household rules. So if your older puppy is still mouthing on your hands, or barking back at you when you tell him to do something, or if he doesn't stop whatever he's doing when you say, "No", you can't rush on to "heel" or "sit-stay". Respect needs to come first, no matter how many months it takes.  Then you can move on to.... Walk on the leash without pulling. Come when called. EVERY TIME. Lie down – and stay lying down for up to 30 minutes. Wait inside the door or gate

Puppy Training Part 9

Household rules (2-3 months) Teach your puppy which behaviors are allowed in your house and which behaviors aren't. Is he allowed to shred the toilet paper? (no) Is he allowed to jump up on the furniture, or into the lap of a seated person? (that's up to you, but  everyone  in your family must follow the same policy or your puppy will be hopelessly confused) Is he allowed in the kitchen when meals are being prepared? (that can be unsafe if things get dropped) Can he take a toy away from another dog in the family? (absolutely not! it might look cute but it can lead to bullying and dominance battles later) Can he take socks out of the laundry basket? Can he sleep on your bed at night? What about barking at strangers he sees through the window? Decide on the household rules. Then be completely consistent about enforcing what you have decided. "No!" and "Good!" will serve you well for these puppy lessons, but only if you have taught those word

Puppy Training Part 8

Gentleness (2-3 months) The same way acceptance of being handled is taught, gentleness is taught along with vocabulary and respect training. Your puppy's mother (and siblings) began teaching gentleness by firmly correcting him when he played too roughly. Your job is to take over from where they left off and teach your puppy how to restrain himself when he plays with humans. Remember, you must be the one who sets the limits of ALL good and bad behavior. Your puppy will look so cute in this costume:

Puppy Training Part 7

Your puppy must accept YOU as the leader of the pack. Being the leader simply means you are the one who decides what is okay for your puppy to do and what isn't okay. For example.... brushing, bathing, clipping nails, cleaning teeth, giving a pill, putting on a collar or harness are all examples of things that your puppy must accept. These are all times when YOU – not your puppy – have to be the one to decide what is necessary. Your puppy should stand quietly for anything you need to do with him. The best way to do this is to include it in your vocabulary lessons and your respect lessons. If you teach words and respect properly, acceptance of being handled will come naturally – they go "hand-in-hand", so to speak! Your puppy will look great in this Super Cute Snowman Doggie Sweater:

Puppy Training Part 6

Housebreaking (2-3 months) At 2-3 months old, puppies are infants and won't have reliable control of their bladder for several more months. (Small breeds are notoriously difficult to housebreak and take even longer.) Still, housebreaking begins the day you bring your puppy home. Establish the right pattern from the very beginning and Puppy will be housebroken as soon as his internal organs are ready. But if you do it wrong, housebreaking will become a nightmare. And sadly, many owners don't realize they're doing something wrong until Puppy's "accidents" have become a bad habit.... and bad habits are hard to undo. So you want to establish the right pattern from the very beginning. There are several methods of housebreaking, including using a crate, an exercise pen ("ex-pen"), a doggy door leading into a small potty yard, or a litter box (for small breeds). This hands free jogging leash is great for taking your puppy out for a walk outsi

Puppy Training Part 5

Puppy training schedule... more training at 2-3 months Crate training (2-3 months) Some people mistakenly refer to a crate as "doggie jail" but that is not the way Puppy will view his crate. He will view it as  his safe and   secure den. Oh, at first he might be unhappy to have his movements limited, but it won't be long at all before he goes into the crate on his own, to take a nap or just to get away from household activity. For a new puppy, a crate helps with housebreaking and provides a safe den for sleeping. When your puppy is used to his crate, it will be easy to take him visiting, or for trips in the car, or to the vet.                                                                                                      This LED dog collar makes both you and your puppy more visible on night walks: