Puppy Training Part 6

Housebreaking (2-3 months)

At 2-3 months old, puppies are infants and won't have reliable control of their bladder for several more months. (Small breeds are notoriously difficult to housebreak and take even longer.)
Still, housebreaking begins the day you bring your puppy home.
Establish the right pattern from the very beginning and Puppy will be housebroken as soon as his internal organs are ready.
But if you do it wrong, housebreaking will become a nightmare. And sadly, many owners don't realize they're doing something wrong until Puppy's "accidents" have become a bad habit.... and bad habits are hard to undo. So you want to establish the right pattern from the very beginning.
There are several methods of housebreaking, including using a crate, an exercise pen ("ex-pen"), a doggy door leading into a small potty yard, or a litter box (for small breeds).
This hands free jogging leash is great for taking your puppy out for a walk outside to do his/her business: 


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