Part 2 of the Most Common Dog Health Problems

Dogs and Worms

Tapewormsroundwormshookworms, and whipworms are common internal parasites in dogs. And although any worm  can make your pooch uncomfortable, some, like hookworms, can be fatal in puppies. Signs your dog may have worms include:
  • Diarrhea (may be bloody)
  • Weight loss
  • A change in appetite
  • A rough, dry coat
  • Scooting on his bottom
  • Vomiting (with roundworms in particular)
  • An overall poor appearance
The best way to diagnose a worm problem is with a visit to the vet. Treatment depends on which type of worm your dog has, but generally includes an oral medication and may need a follow-up visit. Don't try treating worms yourself: A medication that kills roundworms, for example, doesn't kill tapeworms.
This Hip Doggy Bumble Bee Sweater will keep you dog warm and looks adorable:


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