Puppy Training Part 9

Household rules (2-3 months)

Teach your puppy which behaviors are allowed in your house and which behaviors aren't.
Is he allowed to shred the toilet paper? (no)
Is he allowed to jump up on the furniture, or into the lap of a seated person? (that's up to you, but everyone in your family must follow the same policy or your puppy will be hopelessly confused)
Is he allowed in the kitchen when meals are being prepared? (that can be unsafe if things get dropped)
Can he take a toy away from another dog in the family? (absolutely not! it might look cute but it can lead to bullying and dominance battles later)
Can he take socks out of the laundry basket? Can he sleep on your bed at night? What about barking at strangers he sees through the window?
Decide on the household rules. Then be completely consistent about enforcing what you have decided. "No!" and "Good!" will serve you well for these puppy lessons, but only if you have taught those words properly.
Training a puppy can be exhausting, so relax with this spa-like foot exfoliation socks:

Remember that if you do not teach acceptable behavior to your puppy then he will grow up to be badly behaved and destructive like the dog in the photo below:


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