Puppy Training Part 4

Respect training is the best way to train your puppy

You should teach your puppy to respect you as the pack leader.
Without proper respect, your puppy may learn words and routines but choose not to do them. I'm sure you know dog owners who say their dog "understands" them but doesn't do what they say because the dog lacks respect for the owner.
They might even try to laugh it off by saying, "He's so smart he has ME trained!"
But that isn't intelligence – it's disrespect. And it can be traced to improper training right from the time the puppy was first brought home.
Respectful dogs understand and do what you say
Chihuahua and Papillon, listening carefully for words they know

Respect training is not something you can get "almost" right. You must get it completely right – in a way that dogs understand. I can help you acheive this.
Dogs are capable of learning many words, and there is no better way to get your dog to understand what you want and what you don't want than to teach him carefully chosen vocabulary words.
Of course, knowing which words to teach isn't much help unless you also know HOW to teach them. I can help you with this, too. Keep reading.
First, I'll give you a hint. The photo above is cute, but don't expect your dog to want to listen to children's stories!
But do expect him to listen carefully to your words, waiting for one he understands. Expect him to be eager to follow your directions.

Your puppy will look so cute in thi Hip Doggie Sweater! Here is the link: https://angrygorilla.myshopify.com/collections/doggy-style/products/dog-sweater


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