
Showing posts from February, 2018

Puppy Training Part 4

Respect training is the best way to train your puppy You should teach your puppy to respect you as the pack leader. Without proper respect, your puppy may learn words and routines but choose not to do them. I'm sure you know dog owners who say their dog "understands" them but doesn't do what they say because the dog lacks respect for the owner. They might even try to laugh it off by saying, "He's so smart he has ME trained!" But that isn't intelligence – it's disrespect. And it can be traced to improper training right from the time the puppy was first brought home. Chihuahua and Papillon, listening carefully for words they know Respect training is not something you can get "almost" right. You must get it completely right – in a way that dogs understand. I can help you acheive this. Dogs are capable of learning many words, and there is no better way to get your dog to understand what you want and what you don'

Puppy Training Part 3

Avoid treat training! It's a big mistake to rely on food treats to train your puppy. What's wrong with "treat training"? It's based on your puppy deciding when he's hungry enough to do what you want. Imagine your puppy running out the front door. You call him, waving a treat. But he'd rather chase a squirrel into the road than come back to munch on a treat. In addition to the obvious danger of Puppy getting hit by a car, he learns that he doesn't have to listen to you. He learns that he's in charge of what he decides to do and what he decides not to do. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't give ANY treats to your puppy. Treats can be great motivators, especially in teaching fun things such as tricks. But if your training method consists of giving your puppy a treat to get him to do what you say, then you're going to find yourself in trouble when you want him to do something and he's not hungry.... or when you want him

Puppy Training Part 2

You must teach your puppy  words  as well as routines. The most important words are "No" (which means "Stop whatever you're doing") and "Good" (which means "I like what you're doing"). These praise and correction words should be started at 2-3 months of age. You must teach these words properly, with the right tone of voice and the right body language, or they won't be of any help in teaching other words. If your puppy is older than 2-3 months and hasn't learned "No" and "Good" flawlessly, you must start with those words before you can expect success with other word training. This Deluxe Hands Free Dog Leash is great for walks or runs with your puppy:

Puppy Training Part 1

Routines are reassuring to puppies. For example, his food and water bowls should stay in one place. First and foremost, teach your new puppy   daily routines. Where his food and water dishes are located. What times of day he will eat. Where his bed is. What time he goes to bed. What time he gets up. Where he goes to the bathroom. Where his toys are kept. Don't make the mistake of thinking that it doesn't matter  HOW  you teach each of these routines. It definitely does matter how you teach these routines. If you use the right teaching method, your puppy will be better behaved and will be happy to let you decide what he can and can't do in your family. If you use the wrong teaching method, your puppy will begin making decisions about how he wants YOU to fit into HIS life. That's a recipe for conflict and behavior problems. Always remember dogs are pack animals and expect you to be the leader of his or her pack. Your puppy will love this Delightf

Puppy Training (Introduction)

We all anticipate the joys about owning a puppy. But often it doesn't work out as well as we'd hoped. Puppies are delightful bundles of energy and curiosity.... but they can also be exasperating and frustrating. If you respond properly to the challenges of bringing a new puppy into your home, the adjustment period will be shorter and less stressful for both you and your new furry friend. If you do not respond properly.....  well, unfortunately that's why so many dogs are turned over to rescue groups and animal shelters. Here is a link to a super cute costume for your new furry friend:

Hip Doggy Bumble Bee Sweater

Here is the link to this super cute costume:

Guitar Playing Doggy Costume

This is one of our cutest costumes ever! Here is the link:

Hip Doggie Super Star Sweater

Get your superstar pup this awesome sweater here: